Friday 12/23/22

Friday 23rd 5am to 10am No 4pm or 5:30 class
Saturday 24th 8:30am 
Sunday 25th Closed
Monday 9am Class Only

12 Days Of Christmas 🎄 
Start With 12 Repeat 12 (24 reps to start) then 12-11 then 12-11-10 then 12-11-10-9…. Continue down to 1 
🎁= you will pick one of two presents before you start the WOD to find out what you will be doing for the whole workout. 
12 Sit-Ups
11 Wall Balls
10 🎁 🎁
9 Burpee Box Jumps 
8 Cal RE Bike
7 Deadlifts 
6 Hang Cleans 
5 🎁 🎁
4 Man Makers 
30 Squat Jumps
20 Cal Row
1 🎁🎁