Warm-Up  3 Rounds  Run 200m  5 Inchworms  Conditioning  Every 3:00 For 12:00  Row 250m  7 Man Makers 35/30 At 12:00  Team or Two  15 min AMRAP  10 DB Snatches  10 Cal Row 

Deck of Cards Hearts = Push Press Diamonds = Front Squats Clubs = 25 feet Shuttle Runs  Spades = KB Swings  Jokers 50 Buprees 

Warm-Up  15 min Cardio  3 Rounds  Row 500m 15 Deadlifts (185/135)  30 Sit-Ups  Post WOD Stretch 

Conditioning  2 Rounds 5 min EMOM 2 Power Cleans 135/95 2 Front Squats 5 min AMRAP 10 Wall Balls  10 Cal RE Bike  5 min EMOM 5 Pull-Ups  10 Push-Ups 15 Squats 

Teams of 34 Rounds:4:00 Max Calorie Row3:00 Max Burpees Over Rower2:00 DB Box Step-Overs

Warm up3 RoundsRun 100m10 Squats (Bar) Strength10 min EMOM5 Back Squats Conditioning15 min AMRAP15 Wall Ball15 Box Jumps15 Hang Cleans 115/85