For Time (in a Team of 3)Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb)Box Jumps (24/20 in)Air SquatsPush-UpsBurpeesPull-UpsSit-UpsRow (calories)Double-UndersWall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)Ball Slams (30/20 lb)Dumbbell Push Press (45/35 lb)As a team, complete a total of 1776 reps involving all exercises in any order …

Home WOD40 min EMOM1-10 Burpee’s2-Run for 30 sec (100m)3-15 Squat Jumps4-30 Plank Shoulder Taps5-30 Double Unders (40 side to side hopes)

Row 2000m / 1500m40 Power Cleans (115/85)40 Burpee Over Bar200 Double Unders or 1000m Row40 Thrusters40  Burpees Over Bar100 /75  Cal RE Bike

15 min EMOM1-Run 100m2-10 Goblet Squats3-10 Push-Ups Strength10×7 Deadlifts Conditioning20 min AMRAP10 DB Snatches 55/3510 Wall Balls 20/14Row 250m

Mile Run Conditioning5 Rounds2 min EMOM5 Back SquatsThen1:00 Cal Row 18/121:00 Cal RE Bike 13/8Rest 1:00RX BS 155/105 and set calRX+ BS 185/125 and max cal

10 min EMOM10 Burpees ConditioningTeam of TwoCarry 1000lb 400m50 plate OH Walking Lunges200m Sled Push50 Bag Toss Over ShoulderCarry 1000lb 400m LUNGES-one partner is holding a plank other partner working on lunges 45/35 CARRY-anything items that equals up to 500lb …

3 Rounds15 Cal Row3 Inchworms15 KB SDLHP10 PVC Pass Throughs ConditioningEvery 2:00 For 20:00Row 200m5 Hang CleansStart light and add load every 2 rounds.